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How can I get the diagram of the ARIS metamodel visualising all relations with the object 'Product' or 'Product/service'?

by Harry Ratia
Posted on Fri, 08/03/2012 - 12:47

Hello mr. Brandt,

you want to find out for the 'Product' (or 'Product/Service') object type what are the possible relations to other object types in the ARIS metamodel, right? 

This is a bit tricky, since the object type 'Product' can be used in several different model types and have different relations to other object types, depending on the model type it is used in.

One way that came to my mind is to run a standard ARIS report called "Output filter information" from the report category "Administration". Unfortunately it can't be run on the "Entire method" filter, so you would typically want to run it on a filter that is as similar to the "Entire method" as possible. Here you have the possibility to first create your own filter for the report to run on. Once the report is started, there is a dialog option called "Output allowed relationship types" which you should select. The end result is an Excel file where you can use Excel functionality to filter out all object types but 'Product' (and 'Product/Service'). 

Regards   / Harry R


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