This article introduces some of the ways ARIS Business Simulator can be used, ranging from the simple to the more sophisticated. Almost any business process model can be simulated with relatively little data of effort. In a simple case this can provide feedback on whether a model has any ‘closed loops’, how often Functions are used etc. As more data is added further results can be obtained on resource utilization, service times etc. Simulation provides an opportunity to test out alternative solutions to business issues, and provide the basis for the business to select the most appropriate. As an example, I have found this excellent quote below from Dr Mark Barnett taken from ARIS Community. “I run the simulation with a specified instantiation rate (input volume) for the entire year (assuming a full year simulation), and "overlay" another added instantiation ("surge") on top of that over a period of, say, 1 week. That throws more instances on top of the background, steady-state volume. In my case I double the volume for 1 week out of the year, then return it to normal and watch what happens. The response is quite strong, and what I see is a dramatic increase in cycle time that relaxes back towards the steady state (non-surge) cycle time, but over a very long period of time. I can take that same simulation and now rerun it with the addition of some specified amount of overtime for one or more roles, and see what it takes (how much overtime, for which roles, and for how long a period of time) to minimize the impact of the surge. Some interesting results have come out of that, such as the need for only one of the three roles in the process to work overtime... not an intuitive result, necessarily, and not how overtime is handled in operations, often, where all roles typically are put on overtime concurrently. I look at this as identification of a low-cost mitigation solution to volume surges.” In a case study provided by IDS Scheer DB Netz tell how they used the Simulator to improve their fault clearing process. This case study is also available from the Lanner website. Please click here. These examples show that simulation can be used in complex business situations to help solve real problems, justify investment, explain the need for change. It is important to prepare the right model to support the analysis. The way in which the model is to be used needs to be thought through up front and objectives made clear. If you have any comments or questions on simulation please do not hesitate to get in touch… Happy simulating!
Dear Mr.Hook,
maybe you can help me. I am trying to create EPC of one logistic center and to run simulation. In logistic center there are different atributes for events. One is frequency (daily) of trucks coming in, and another is amunt of carried cargo. I have case with 12 trucks coming in daily with cargo weight from 3 tones to 5,6 t. Utilizytion of human resources and warehouse equipment is my concern. Maybe you have an idea what atributes to use..
Thx in front,