Profile picture for user Georgel


I am trying to renew my Aris Basic subscription in Romanian currency (RON).

Altough the price is listed as 100 Euro per month when trying to renew for 6 months in Romanian currency the price asked is 3402.14 RON per period, as 567 RON per month, approx. 114.68 Euro.

I will appreciate your answer asap as my licence expires on the 25th of current month



by Ralf Angeli
Posted on Mon, 05/22/2023 - 12:09

Hello Gheorghe,

unfortunately we had to increase the prices a few weeks ago and forgot to update the pricing page. This has now been fixed. The pricing page now shows the same prices as the pages in the order flows. For a Designer user in ARIS Basic, as in your example, this would be €116 per month.

Apologies for the confusion.



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