Business Transformation Breakfast - ARIS Process Mining - Helsinki 

We would like to invite you to a breakfast seminar on how to turn process insights into business value. 

How can you improve visibility & understanding of the actual performance of your business processes & operations? How can ARIS Process Mining bring significant value to your company's success? At this breakfast you will have the opportunity to meet peers and hear their stories and also meet experts from Solita, Ferrologic & Software AG. 

Join us in Helsinki on January 15!

Date: January 15, 2020 

Time: 0800-1030 EET

Venue: Solita/Ferrologic, Eteläesplanadi 8, Helsinki 

Register here:


0730-0800 Breakfast & registration

0800-0815 Welcome, Gert Ottosson, Director Business Development, Solita 

0815-0900 Process Mining – Foundations and Future Trends, Julian Krumeich, Senior Manager ARIS Product Management, Software AG

0900-0945 Turning Process Insights into Operational Excellence, Peter Björklund. Solution Architect Business Transformation, Software AG

0945-1000 Coffee break

1000-1030 Case study Outokumpu, Ilona Koski, Business Architect, Outokumpu & Matias Kokko, Principal Consutant, Solita 

Warm welcome!  

Solita, Ferrologic a Solita Company & Software AG 





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