I have created the below data feed, which reads records from a SQL database, inserted within one hour. It works fine.
When I change the Debug value in the "User input - Text" operator (top right, from 13 to 14) and perform the "Display calculation result" function of the "Source: Database" element, I get "Error calculating data feed".
When I perform the "Display calculation result" function of the "Concatenate text" operator before, this error does not happen.
This is important to me, since this error also happens, when I select the "hour" in the MashApp.
Is this a bug? Or do I do some forbidden action in my data feed? Do I have to insert any other operator?
Yes, indeed. That's incorrect and it is going to be fixed in the next version. In the mean time this workaround should fix it:
- remove any debug value in your user input
- hit the calculate button for the concatenate text operator
- save the data feed
Now, you may select values for Hour within your MashApp.