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I have created the below data feed, which reads records from a SQL database, inserted within one hour. It works fine.

When I change the Debug value in the "User input - Text" operator (top right, from 13 to 14) and perform the "Display calculation result" function of the "Source: Database" element, I get "Error calculating data feed".

When I perform the "Display calculation result" function of the "Concatenate text" operator before, this error does not happen.

This is important to me, since this error also happens, when I select the "hour" in the MashApp.

Is this a bug? Or do I do some forbidden action in my data feed? Do I have to insert any other operator?

by Stephan Freudl
Posted on Wed, 07/13/2011 - 12:17

Yes, indeed. That's incorrect and it is going to be fixed in the next version. In the mean time this workaround should fix it:

  1. remove any debug value in your user input
  2. hit the calculate button for the concatenate text operator
  3. save the data feed

Now, you may select values for Hour within your MashApp.


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