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I have a MashApp with 2 tabs. On the first tab there is some text, which explains what the MashApp does. On the second tab there are the display components.

When a user uses the MashApp for the first time, I want him to see the first tab. Ideally I could place any check box on the first tab like "Don't show this again". When the user clicks this check box, I want to start with the second tab the next time he starts the MashApp. I suspect that this is a very special request.

If I cannot handle this, I of course could change the tabs, so the tab with the display components is the first tab. The tab with the help or explanation of the MashApp would be the second one. The user can click on it by demand.

Any help or idea on this topic?


by Stephan Freudl
Posted on Tue, 09/13/2011 - 10:49

Yes, indeed there is no "don't show this tab in future" feature in MashZone. MashZone doesn't remember things a MashApp viewer did.

But, there is a URL parameter which enables you to select the tab which is initially shown. This article explains how to obtain the URL to a MashApp and which options you have to configure it. Basically you append &tabidx=1 to show the second tab (counting starts from zero...).

The MashZone share dialog handles this for you, already


by Georg Schmitt Author
Posted on Wed, 09/14/2011 - 10:12

Thank you Stephan, that is new to me.

Our usability expert suggested to turn off showing the "Intro tab" all the time. I changed the tabs, so that the "Intro tab" is the second one and may be show if desired. I think that's ok.


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