I started use the Aris basic since about 6 months ago and need some answers about organizational diagram. Our company works in medical sales, marketing and technical services fields and we provide more than one brand. We have separate organizational unit for each brand in the company. I listed the organizational positions related a unit. I could not link position to another position for ex. our Region Sales Representatives reports to Region Sales Manager but when i tried to define them as roles it can not be link each other. How can i define these roles?
Thanks in advance.
Brand Direktorship (Organizatonal unit) ---- Brand Director (Position)
1. Country Sales Manager (Role)
2. Product Marketing Manager (Role) (Reports to role 1)
3. Product Marketing Representative (Role) (Reports to role 2)
4. Region Product Sales Manager (Role)
5. Region Product Sales Representative (Role) (Reports to role 4)
6. Sales Support Specialist (Role) (Reports to role 4)
7. Sales Support Field Responsible (Reports to role 4)
I try to sharpen the terms Role, Position and Organizational unit:
Organizational unit is a real organizational entity (not legal entity, but anything you might find as a sign post on the office corridor, such as "Procurement Germany", "HR xyz Inc.", "Sales directorship Brand 1 EMEA region")
Position is a single employment title. E. g. "Sales director brand 1 EMEA", "Assistant to the Sales director brand 1 EMEA"). In a first attempt you have as many positions in your company as people on the payroll. You might decide to refine the model with "plan positions" and "real positions" when you have people working part-time and multiple people occupying the same plan position. A position is assigned to a single organizational unit it reports to.
A role is something completely different: It describes a set of skills, properties, and/or authorizations required to perform a certain task in a process. It describes the business demand. Every position can be connected to a whole set of roles in which that position may perform. Even "Employee" may be role in the context of a HR process, which pretty much every position will be able to perform in. If a particular HR process applies to all employees, that is the role used in that process. Very often the process owners are the ones owning the roles performing in the processes. It is up to the management to define the positions capable of performing in each role. They have to ensure, that the people occupying each position meet the demands of the roles assigned to that position.
Maybe this idea of demand (role, business) and supply (position: recruiting, personnel development) can convey, why a role is not part of a reporting line.