Tool.........: ARIS Business Architect 7.x or higher

OS............: Windows



Even with the variety of symbols on ARIS platform there are situations where we hit the following problem: none of them represents exactly what we want, so what to do? Answer: use the ARIS Symbol Editor.

With this tool you can:

  • Customize existing symbols
  • Create new symbols
  • Import / export images in order to use in symbols

Step by Step

1) Go to Start/Programs menu and choose ARIS Platform Administration/ARIS Symbol Editor 7.0.


2) Click the button >> Add Symbol (F12).



3) Double click over the symbol that is closest to what you need. The symbol is added at the end of symbols' bar:



4) Click once over the added symbol at the symbols bar and once in the center of the work area. The new symbol will be added for editing:


5) Click once in the center of the symbol, right click and select Properties:

Symbol properties

6) Change some appearance properties such as color and click OK:

symbol color

Note: In addition to changing the properties you can add several elements such as images, shapes and text.


7) Check the result:

symbol result

8) Go to File/Save  menu and save your new symbol:

Saving the symbol

By default the tool also lets you import images in several formats such as GIF, JPG, BMP and EMF.




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