I have done a systemdb restore and queries and not getting restored.
Can someone please help me with this.
Thanks in advance.
I have done a systemdb restore and queries and not getting restored.
Can someone please help me with this.
Thanks in advance.
Hello Sethunath,
so, queries/analyses are not part of systemdb. So, you have to backup octopus db on an old system and restore it on a new one.
You have three possibilities how to do that:
1. via Aris client: in the "Administration tab", right click on Analyses and choose Back up analysis data
2. via acc console: this should work
set acc config backup.restore.tenant.app.types = com.aris.octopus.y-octopus_server-run-prod
set acc config backup.restore.tenant.app.type.names = oct
backup tenant tenant_name to c:\temp\mybackup.acb
3. via TM Ui