
we just started the migration from ARIS7.2 to ARIS9.8. Actually we are discussing two alternatives of  getting to the intended environment, which includes Design- and Connect-Server (and Publisher-Server?).

The first plan was to "copy" in a first step the 7.2-environment in a 9.8-environment. Which means to install a designserver and a publisherserver (on two separate machines).

Once  this construction is running stable to add then a connectserver (on the same machine as the designserver or  on a separate machine?).

On the ARIS UserDay in Saarbrücken I got the recommandation to install the connectserver already in the first step but don't use it  for that moment. It would be easier and more successfull then to initialize the connectserver after the businesspublisher is obsolete.

Maybe there are some of you which have already made experiences in this szenario or can give any useful hints for this topic.

Thank you in advance and best regards from Cologne (Germany)

Gerald Schroeder

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