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Hello dear BPM community,

I urgently need your help. I am part of an international organization and we need to map certain business processes, such as payroll, separation of staff etc. Now we are very fond of ARIS Express and want to continue using this software throught the whole organization.


Therefore I have a question. Following: Is it possible to map a parent process as a BPMN diagram, then click on one of the tasks or one of the boxes, which would then open a more detailed description in "Business Process" format (so basically having a separate page opening up with a more detailed subprocesses by clicking on a task in the more general parent diagram?)

I hope thats possible as the porcesses are rather complex which would lead to a jumble and mess of hundered small little processes.


 Thanks for your help.

Laura G.


by adnan shahab
Posted on Wed, 10/05/2011 - 11:33

You need to buy ARIS Full version to enable assignment feature (drill down capability).



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