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We are implementing ARIS (7.2) and Solution Manager. I have some questions:

1. Is it possible to synchronize the ARIS project with a Maintenance Solution Manager project (and not only with an Implementation project)?

2. Is it possible to synchronize the ARIS project with the Solution Directory of the Solution Manager that represents the actual process active in the production environment?

3. Is it possible to synchronize ARIS with the number of Solution Manager implementation project ?


Thank you,

Best Regards,



Posted on Tue, 06/05/2012 - 07:43

With ref to above questions from Guy, we also wanted to know the answers.
We have ARIS 7.2 and Solman 7.0. Kindly help in sharing the same.

by Matthias Ledwon
Posted on Fri, 06/08/2012 - 22:49


To answer your questions:

1) Yes, you can synch ARIS and a SolMan maintenance project. But the question is how serious a change in maintenance would be and if it even impacted the process models.

2) To my knowledge you cannot synch with the Solution Directory.

3) If I understand the question correctly, yes, you can synch one ARIS database with multiple Solman projects. But due to the unique SAP-ID's you would have three separate process decomp's in ARIS.



by Carlos Ivan Garcia
Posted on Tue, 06/26/2012 - 00:41

Hi everyone!

We have ARIS Business Architect for SAP 7.1. and we want to connect to SAP SolMan 7.1. Do you know if there are any issue connecting these versions of software?

Actually we have connected Aris BA for SAP 7.1 to Solman 7.0 but we are upgrading solman to 7.1 and we dont know if it will keep working as good as today!

Thanks in advance for any comment!


by Matthias Ledwon
Posted on Tue, 06/26/2012 - 15:10


ARIS 7.1 to Solman 7.1 works fine for me at SAP, but I have to admit that I'm not using it every day. It would be good to hear about experiences of other folks!

As you'll certainly have a Dev Solman to do some other tests, you can also just do some test synchronizations before Solman 7.1 will go live.


Posted on Wed, 10/03/2012 - 11:13

In reply to by vanderhaeghen

Hi Matthias,

We are doing Synchronization of ARIS (V7.2) and SAP (V7.2) Solman. We get the below error after selecting the SAP--> Transfer Project Menu.

"The SAP Environment you are using has not been approved. Information on the Non Confirmities of your SAP Environment is contained in the Log file. Do you want to Proceed? Yes / No"

When pressed "Yes" system takes server details and showing "Synchronizing" and showing the below error.

"Function_Z_SOLAR_SHORTCUTS_ACTIVE_CHECK" not found on SAP-Server Unable to transfer Log file" and stops.

Kindly let us know your feed back.

by Antonio Salvarrey
Posted on Wed, 08/12/2015 - 21:59

One question:


1) If we create a Project on Solution Manager we can update this on ARIS and re-send or upload the full structure, documents and any other objects to Solman?

What are the pre-conditions to accomplish this task?

2) If I create my project on ARIS, I can edit or update on Solman and re-sync to ARIS?

How this works?

Please give a guide for perform this.








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