
We cannot enter to the project room (no one of team). Only the page with "select a project room" opens.

How can we resolve this issue?

Best regards

Vugar G

by Eva Klein
Badge for 'Community Team' achievement
Posted on Wed, 06/16/2021 - 15:57

Dear Vugar,

do you get an error message? If yes, could you please share.

Kind regards

by Vugar Gardashbayov Author
Posted on Wed, 06/16/2021 - 16:14

Dear Eva,

We don't get an error message, it just going round and the page with "select a project room" opens. We cannot enter to project room.

Best regards,

Vugar G

by Eva Klein
Badge for 'Community Team' achievement
Posted on Wed, 06/16/2021 - 16:42

Please logout from, clear your browser cache and login again on Another option would be to try another browser, if possible.

I hope that will help you and solve the problem.

by Rasel Ahamed
Posted on Thu, 08/25/2022 - 08:26

How would I get a project room

In order to get a ARIS Process mining it is asking for a project room

I ma new here

by Eva Klein
Badge for 'Community Team' achievement
Posted on Thu, 08/25/2022 - 09:07

Hi Rasel,

you can create your ARIS Process Mining project room via this link here.

If you're interested in other editions please have a look on this page.

Kind regards

by Rasel Ahamed
Posted on Fri, 08/26/2022 - 02:31

Thanks Eva, but it is taking me to the same page whre it was asking for project room. I put a word but was not accepted.

by Eva Klein
Badge for 'Community Team' achievement
Posted on Fri, 08/26/2022 - 07:46

Sorry, I misunderstood your message. You can enter the name you want to give to your project room. But there are some requirements: Please use only lower case letters and numbers and the name has to begin with a letter and be no shorter than three characters. 

by Rasel Ahamed
Posted on Tue, 08/30/2022 - 03:34

Thank you, do you have any practice documents/material on ARIS spreadsheet modelling. Like to explore what can be done using spreadsheet modelling



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