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1). Display text of one of the attributes in the diagram, select option as Comment

2. Generate a word report which include this diagram. The text in the diagram is displayed 'over the border of the comment' box, though in ARIS tool in the diagram itself the text is displayed ok.

First is how it looks in ARIS tool:


This is how the same diagram looks in the generated document:


The problem does occur regularly (a lot), but is not reproducible each time. I was not able to find logic and reason of it.

Does anyone know why this is happening? 



 UPD: The version we are using is the following: 





by Hanna Mironchyk Author
Posted on Tue, 01/26/2010 - 19:04

The reply from ARIS Support is the following for this issue: 

We plan to resolve the problem in the ARIS 7.1 Service Release 2010_05.

This ARIS 7.1 Service Release will probably be released begin of February 2010.



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