I have one user with a problem when displaying a specific model in ARIS Connect - it looks like the attached file.

Other users are not experiencing the same problem.

I have compared the user settings to other users in the same user group, and I cannot see any differences anywhere (have checked both Connect and Architect).

Does anyone know what is causing this? And how can it be fixed?

by M. Zschuckelt
Posted on Fri, 09/07/2018 - 15:14


this looks like a different method filter is active for this user. Please check, which filters are enabled for this user. Probably with this user another filter takes precedence over the normal filter the others use.

Sometimes users with system privileges experience this problem, because they are allowed to use all filters. Since you cannot select the filter in Connect, such a user gets an inappropriate filter.

Best regards, M. Zschuckelt

by Hanne Lundquist Author
Posted on Fri, 09/14/2018 - 09:20


Thanks for the reply.

We use 'entire method' as filter for all users, so that is not the problem in this case - however it is a really good suggestion for something to have a look at.

When looking deeper into it, I realized that it was happening to more models - all which had an old version, that was moved to an archive folder. The user did not have read access to the archive folder and hence the blank boxes displayed in the newer process model.

I have now changed this, and the user can now see all models again.


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