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Does anyone know if it is today possible to use ARIS EPC model contents in order to generate a Gantt chart in MS Project? There was a company called Enelsoftware that used to provide such an interface, but that was for ARIS versions 4 - 6. The interface then obviously worked only in the Windows client of ARIS and not the Java client.  Long time ago thus...  :-(

by Mark Surridge
Posted on Tue, 09/17/2019 - 10:26

In my world of PMO (Project Management Office) this is a useful feature. Defining the project as a process is an important first step to clarify and get everyone on the same page. In Manufacturing it is core process and key to company efficiency (I worked for a train manufacturer and now in Construction). I have seen  competitors able to do this (Adonis and Stages by Method Park). Does anyone have an update since 2010 on this?


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