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Is there a table available with the names and product codes for different ARIS licenses? We are currently using ARIS Design Server with ARIS Publisher, ARIS Architect and ARIS Designer clients. Our aim is to step over to ARIS Connect and thereby use the clients needed in that context.

I know for instance that the ARIS Design Server has the product code YDSTO, the ARIS Publisher server has the product code YPS, the ARIS Architect client has the product code YAA and so on. 

First, is the above information outdated and not valid anymore in today's license portfolio?

Second, if the information is still valid, is there a complete list or table where I can find the various license names and product codes? Or is this not public information? The information would help me in my planning for the step over from ARIS Design server installation to ARIS Connect server installation.


Thank you!

Harry Ratia


by Vassiliki Spentzou
Posted on Tue, 02/11/2020 - 12:48

Dear Harry 

In case you are a partner of SAG you may find in Partners' Portal a special area in which a pdf is provided namely Partner Product List  that is containing all the products partners are able to promote . ARIS Line is included in there along with their coding. 

If this is not the case i.e. you are representing a customer then you d better contact the sales point of yours 

Kindest regards

by Harry Ratia Author
Posted on Tue, 02/11/2020 - 15:04

In reply to by vspentzou

Dear Vassiliki,


Thank you for your quick input. I have now received from mr Gert Ottosson a PDF flie with the information needed. He sends his regards!

/ Harry

by Patrik Siffrin
Posted on Tue, 02/11/2020 - 13:30

"I know for instance that the ARIS Design Server has the product code YDSTO"
"First, is the above information outdated and not valid anymore in today's license portfolio?"

ARIS design server has the product code YDS, YDSTO is the Design sever extension TOGAV
ARIS connect server has the product code YCS

You can find the list as mentioned above




by Harry Ratia Author
Posted on Tue, 02/11/2020 - 15:08

In reply to by Pluton

Hello Patrik,

Thank you. Since we also have YDSTO I had mixed it up in my records. This is now corrected.

I wish you a nice day!   / Harry


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