I have created a process on AuraQuantic BPMN and exported it as a bpmn extension, how can I import my process into ARIS bpmn.?
and is it possible to create process on ARIS then export it and import aris process to AuraQuantin bpmn?
i tried to attach Aris process modal and AuraQuantic process modal but it is faild because the extension (bpmn)
ARIS supports import and export of XML files according to BPMN 2.0 standard. So the assumption is that it should work without knowing your BPMN tool. Simply go to the group of your database where you want to import the model and select "import BPMN diagram". Likewise you can select any BPMN 2.0 model in ARIS and do "BPMN export".
This is the first two lines:
GraphEditor objectsShadow="shadow" pageHeight="841.88" pageOrientation="1" pageWidth="595.27" simDaysPerMonth="22" simExpectedCost="0" simHousPerDay="8" simMaxDuration=" 00-00 00:00:00" simSimultaneous="10" simTotal="1000">
<mxGraphModel value="< 1 >">
If you want to check it yourself, the BPMN specifications can be found here: https://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/#docs-normative-machine
There are XML Schema files (XSD) which you can use to validate your files using an XML editor that is able to validate documents with XML schema.