Hi all

After recurring issues with the sequencing of objects in a report (table does not correspond to graph) and having tried out several solutions (x/y-sort, geometric sort, recursive function to get graph sequence), it turned out that none of these really brought results I had been looking for.

The easiest way to get the sequence right seems to be the get/setSequenceNumber()-function of the object Occurrences (ObjOcc). That way the modelers can set their sequence in the way the want to have it...

The only problem I face now is that the "Define Order" functionality is only available for SAP models (because it's used the context of the synchronisation to SAP). For all the non-SAP models, I can't see a possibility to set the order. Does anybody know how to call the corresponding dialog from a report? Or has anybody built such a dialog from scratch or at least an idea how to do so?

Thank you very much in advance!

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