
In our company we're running a series of nightly scheduled reports to customize some content in the our Aris repositories and, more importantly, to prepare our database for publishing through business publisher.

We experienced several times recently now that the scripts (which normally run smoothly) ran into errors and stopped their execution. This by itself would not be a major problem. The trouble with this is that it deactivates the scheduled report without any notification. (As a reason for the failure we suspect some technical issues down-time of the technical infrastructure).

What would be important for us is to have some automated notification of this - or that at least the scheduled reports remain active.

Manual follow-up processes here are inefficient and rather unreliable and therefore not really an option, I'm afraid. 

Has anybody experienced similar issues? Or does anybody know of a possibility to configure that behaviour in Aris directly?

Without having checked in detail, I don't think there's anything available in the Aris script engine to send out notifications (especially as Aris is not connected to any Email-system).

One option I could think of is to have an additional scheduled report triggered at a completely different time of the day setting all relevant scripts to active again. But, to be honest, that doesn't sound like a good solution to me.

Thank you in advance for sharing your experience!

Best regards,


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