Profile picture for user hhernan.munoz


I have some doubts, i just want to publish single html into a microsoft IIS, i dont need have control under the kind of visits that the models will have. The question is, do I need to buy the full pack of aris publisher licence? is exist any single licence that publish single html? I understand ARIS publisher has the feature of users control access, but i just need publish single html without these control.

Does anyone has any idea?



by Martin Schröder
Badge for 'Contributor' achievement
Posted on Thu, 03/10/2011 - 18:37

Hello Hugo,

you can use a report like "output model info" to generate one simple html page with an embedded model grafic per model and then transfer them to your webserver. But be aware that you would need to create your own navigation page around the models to lead your readers. Here you can find other report script solutions

A Business Publisher license offers also a simplified HTML export through a template with a model explorer navigation tree. This creates a HTML only site  that spares you to use the Publisher Server web application. But I don't know whether there is a reduced license for this purpose. Better to ask your IDS Sales rep.

Regards, Martin


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