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sorry for the silly question but I'm really new to using the ARIS,

what is the difference between subordinated and an organizational managers?

by M. Zschuckelt
Posted on Mon, 10/24/2022 - 16:00

Hello Hosam,

if I am not mistaken, these two have not much to do with each other. Subordinated is probably a connection between two organizational units, e.g. "Sales Europe" "is subordinated" "Sales". While "is organizational manager for" is a connection between a position and an organizational unit. E. g. "Senior Vice President Sales Europe" "is organizational manager for" "Sales Europe".

In general everything you do in ARIS modelling is creating a lot of statements of the kind

<Object 1> <has some relationship to> <Object 2>

The objects each have a well defined type, e. g. a function, an entity type, a cluster, an event... and many more. Likewise the predicates that connect the objects also have a type characterizing the relationship, e. g. "is subordinated to", "is organizational manager for", "is predecessor of"... and hundreds more types.

Each predicate also has a "passive name" which allows you to read the statement above from Object 2 to Object 1. This might be "is superior to", "is under responsibility of", "is successor to" (my examples might not be accurate, but should convey the idea).

The entire ARIS method can be described by defining the set of model types, the symbols (representing objects) to be allowed in each model type, the predicates allowed between each pair of symbols in the model type, and the attributes describing the objects and connections. (That is the basic idea, there are a few more details).


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