Hallo folks,
for creating a backup inside a report I have the following function DbBackup:
function DbBackup() { var ADB = ArisData.getActiveDatabase(); var oFile; var oDbAdmin; var lOK; var sPath = "C:\\Download"; var sFile = "WorkDB "+Date(); Context.setSelectedPath(sPath); Context.setSelectedFile(sFile); oFile = new java.io.File(sPath, sFile); oDbAdmin = Context.getComponent("ServerAdmin"); lOK = oDbAdmin.backupDatabase(ADB, oFile); return; }
This function runs through without creating an error.
But unfortunately it does not create any backup file and the answer of "oDbAdmin.backupDatabase(ADB, oFile)" is "false". (lOK = false)
The path "C:\Download" exists on my computer and I run the report on my local server for development.
When starting a backup of this database manually I have no problems. That works fine.
Now I would be very happy if anybody can help me and show me where my mistake is.
Many thanks in advance,
OK, I found the solution myself. The mistake is the filename. Using Date() generates the filename "WorkDB Fri May 05 2017 09:32:45 GMT+0200 (MESZ).adb" and this can't be handled. The new line for generating the filename is:
var sFile = "WorkDB "+getTimeStamp()+".adb";
getTimeStamp() is an own function that gives back the current date and time in the format "YYYYMMDDhhmm" without any special chars like ":", "(", ")" and "+".
And so it works and I get my backup.
Many thanks to everyone who were thinking about.