Hello guys,

I'm confronted with a problem regarding Aris 7.1 Business Architect Client running on a Windows Server 2008 (not R2!) x64 Terminalserver integrated in an single-forst-single-domain Active Directory netzwork. We have two servers and the same situation on both of them.

The servers were updated (windows updates) the last days an then the problem was noticed but it could be that the program hasn't run correctly already for a while.

The program can be started as an administrator but not as an ordinary domain-user. A splash screen appears then vanishes an nothing happens afterwards. As an administrator the software seems to work properly.

Are there any tipps or how to's to configure it or to correct it?

Unfortunately we have no documentation about the installation and the colleague who was in charge isn't here anymore :-(

Thanks in advance.

by Jiri Mares
Posted on Mon, 09/15/2014 - 02:45

Hi, have you checked aris log files if there is any further detail for the described behaviour? And all windows-wise policies for the install dirs of Aris and so on as you write you can run the client (Architect) under administrator account only? You want to run Aris Architect on the server where ARIS Business Server has been installed or is it a different scenario? Provide us with some more info about the Aris infrastructure at least.



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