Hello experts. 

In my company (a large global corporation) we use ARIS cloud. I was recently given designer access and I'm trying to find how to: 

  1. Draft a process model without it being visible for anyone but my stakeholders. And then, when they approve, I would like to be able to release the process models out to specific audience groups within my organization, like departments, business units, or the whole company, depending on the scope of the process model. 
    Is there some kind of visibility control, access management tool, or release cycle feature to achieve this?
  2. Manage different versions of the same process. 
    1. I need to compare the "as-is" version of a process with the "as-it-should-be" version to control for deviations and process improvement through time. 
    2. Also, I would like to be able to create a copy of a model to draft/brainstorm on improvement recommendations submitted by users without changing the approved version of the process. 
    3. And finally, I need to be able to restore any version of said process and use it as a blueprint for other processes, i.e. using the baseline global version of the process as a starting point for creating several region-specific versions of the same process, BUT at the same time keeping some kind of link between the "parent" and "children" processes in a way that allows me to manually update the "parent" (global process) and have those updates automatically be applied in each "child" (regional process) without any manual work. 
      What feature or features provide this functionality? 

Where can I learn how to use those features? 

Thank you! 

by Veronika Ellermann
Posted on Thu, 05/02/2024 - 11:26

Hi Hector,

Most of the tasks you describe are typically performed by your admins; admins can make sure to assign proper access rights & admins can compare models.

When a model is approved, a version is automatically created. Any version can be restored by your admin.





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