Because I needed to kill Aris process on my Mac I looked into log and found the following:
01.08.11 14:18:37 ARIS Express 2.3[21012] crossing_count: warning: assertion failed: 0 is not in the range (nan, nan) or (nan, nan); assuming the latter. Please report this bug.
Is there any workaround? Because it's written there "Please report this bug" I want to mention this. It will happen several times. After about 20 times the program "hangs" and I need to kill the process.
now I switched to 32bit, and all the problems (PDF export doesn't work, application hangs) are away. The problem is, that under 64bit the JVM needs much more memory than under 32bit, and this results in unusual behavior of the whole Aris app. Maybe, there are some bugs in the JVM on Mac OS.
But now I'm happy that I can use Aris on Mac like I know it from my Windows PC.