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We are preparing to upgrade our architecture, created in ARIS 7.x,  to be compliant with DoDAF 2.0.  As a requirement for DoDAF 2.0 compliance we are required to adhere to the DM2 ontology and vocabulary.  In reviewing the User Guide for ARIS Defense Solution for DoDAF 2.0, I only found a reference for CADM, which only supports the DoDAF through Version 1.5.  Has anyone successfully delivered DoDAF 2.0 with DM2 ontology using ARIS 7.2 and if so how?



by Tim Dossett
Posted on Tue, 03/27/2012 - 23:35

Hi Ira,

    did you get any answers on this, i am wondering the same thing. The reports for DODAF v1 only use of a Structured Model with "DODAF v1" attributes supplied to report "AV1 - Overview and Summary"  information. This report does not work for "Defense Solutiuon" diagram that is illustrated with DODAF v2. ???



by Tim Dossett
Posted on Mon, 05/14/2012 - 18:18

By thw ay has any one produced any reports from DODAF v2.0 ?

by Todd Phillips
Posted on Wed, 02/28/2024 - 23:56

Mr. Miller is this available to the community as of yet? The ARIS 7X supporting DODAF 2.0 and if so, do you have a guidance document?

Thank you,



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