

While compiling MashZone usage stats I have come across a session that had been open for 59 hours. Due to the sensitive information in some of the MashApps I want to be able to set a timeout value when the session is idle.

I’ve checked web.xml located in <Installation Directory>\ ARIS MashZone\system\tomcat\conf which has the following value:





I’ve also checked web.xml in <Installation Directory>\ARIS MashZone\system\webapp\WEB-INF which has the following value:





Is there somewhere else that I need to define the idle timeout value?


Thanks in advance,



by Stephan Freudl
Posted on Tue, 05/08/2012 - 10:04


actualy that's exactly the setting to look at. But as you look at a MashApp the viewer actively keeps your session alive. We decided to do so, to support kiosk-style use cases.

So, the timeout setting becomes effective as soon as the browser is closed - without having logged out. 

Regards Stephan


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