Today I would like to ask the ARIS Community to join me in congratulating Prof. August-Wilhelm Scheer who has been elected President of BITKOM today for another period of 2 years. For those who don’t know: BITKOM is the voice of the information technology, telecommunications, and new media industry in Germany. BITKOM represents more than 1.200 companies, with 900 direct members, including practically all German global players as well as 600 key midsize companies. BITKOM’s membership generates a sales volume of 135 billion euros annually, exporting 50 billion euros worth of high technology each year. BITKOM thus represents 90 percent of the German ICT market.
Prof. Scheer’s role as president of BITKOM is both important for IDS Scheer and Germany as a location for high tech business: We as members of the IDS Scheer family are proud that our founder and President of the Supervisory Board experiences broad recognition in the worlds of science, politics and stakeholder organizations. Germany benefits from the fact that a very successful German scientist and entrepreneur in the field of IT is really authentic when fighting for ICT as a driver for growth and innovation in this country!