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Dear all,

I need to create a new Group in context of a selected current group.

Then, I need to create a new Model (EPC) under new Group.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Best regards,

José Camacho



by Francois Du Toit
Posted on Tue, 09/06/2011 - 07:54

Hi Jose,

to create a sub-group you can use the command:

CreateChildGroup ( String sName, int localeId )

For creating a model on a grp:

CreateModel ( int ModelType, String sName, int localeId )

Hope this helps.



by Jose Camacho Author
Posted on Mon, 09/12/2011 - 15:20

In reply to by ARIS_Downunder

Hi Francois,

Thanks a lot for your help.

Meanwhile, I need to build a report to do as following:

1) Read a EPC model ordered by objects in the sequence of modelling (topologic way);

1.1) Create a EPC model assigned by each function got from the input EPC.

The idea is to create a hierarchy from EPC model as input to detailed EPCs as output.

Thanks in advance for your help.

by Vinay Agarkhed
Posted on Tue, 09/06/2011 - 07:55

Hi Dr. José,

So you required yo create a new model in a new group under the selected Group.

Following code shows how to create subgroup and then the model (EPC) in the new group under the first group you have selected as context.


var oSelectedGrp = ArisData.getSelectedGroups();

var  localeID = Context.getSelectedLanguage();

var oGroup = oSelectedGrp[0].CreateChildGroup("<group name>", localeID );

var oNewModel = oGroup.CreateModel(Constants.MT_EEPC, "<model name>", localeID);


This is a sample code, you can modify it according to your need.

Sorry for hard coding above, code snippet function not working here.




by Jose Camacho Author
Posted on Mon, 09/12/2011 - 15:18

Hi Mr. Vinay,

Thanks a lot for your help.

Meanwhile, I need to build a report to do as following:

1) Read a EPC model ordered by objects in the sequence of modelling (topologic way);

1.1) Create a EPC model assigned by each function got from the input EPC.

The idea is to create a hierarchy from EPC model as input to detailed EPCs as output.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Best regards,

José Camacho

by Vivek Ingle
Posted on Tue, 08/27/2013 - 15:20

Hi  Vinay Agarkhed

I have a following problem

 creating a two object in a System Capability breakdown model without using database.

Thanks & regards


by Kevin Abestilla
Posted on Tue, 12/16/2014 - 08:31

Hi All,

I need to create a report script that check if the group named "zz_folder to be deleted" already exists, if not I should create a folder named  "zz_folder to be deleted". Kindly please  help me on this. Thansk,


Best Regards,



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