What's up guys I need guidance on how to read a Process support unit model.

what I need to collect is the objects within the cells of the grid/table and store them in a multi-dimensional array in relation to the column under which they are listed.

so, for example, this is the model I'm trying to read from below;








Once the model Above is read in, my array should look like the following;

//my second column in the array

myGrid[1] => JournalProcessingArray([0]=>'', [1]=>'', [2]=>'', [3]=>'', [4]=>'', [5]=>'', [6] => Array([0] => 'SMS'), [7]=>'');

myGrid[3] => SupplierManagementArray([0]=>'', [1]=> Array([0] => 'CAM'), [2]=>'', [3]=>'', [4]=> Array([0]=>'All Points', [1]=>'Cognos', [2]=>'Informix...', [3]=>'OM Order...', [4]=>'Oracle', [5]=>'SMS', [6] => 'Supplier ...') etc...);

the problem is that I've been an ARIS script developer for a month or so and I've only done simple scripts, (reading from EPC models producing dialogues and graphics of models, etc.)

so I haven't the slightest clue how to search for this functionality in the aris help or how to find other help online.

anyone ever read in a process support unit model in an aris script/report?



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