Dear ARIS support, 


Our company would like to redirect the ownership of ARIS license (the role of the designer) for the project room dokumentit2022 from the current email address to the new one.

We would like to make sure that during the following subscription renewal we don't lose our project room and data due to the email change.

We already contacted for help regarding our issue but they redirected us to this forum.

Kind regards.

by Eva Klein
Badge for 'Community Team' achievement
Posted on Thu, 04/13/2023 - 14:25

Dear Ivana,

do you want to change only the designer assignment or do you want to change the mail address of the whole subscription? If you want to change some data for the shop subcritpion, please write the details to

Kind regards


by Ivana Mihaljević Author
Posted on Fri, 04/14/2023 - 10:05

In reply to by Eva Klein

Dear Eva,

we would like to change the email address of the whole subscription.
Thank you for your fast reply, we will contact the address you reffered us to.

Kind regards


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