It happened before. This time it appeared when generating output model information with model graphic for a model with about 60 objects. No change when doubling the max memory in the cfg. The only thing that's a little bit special for this model is that some objects are nested up to 6 layers.
Any ideas?
Hi Ivo,
I'm afraid this is a topic for our support. we need much more information about your special problem (e.g. the model itself, the report or macro you are using, the relevant server/client settings, information about your environment) and I think the community is not the right platform for such a procedure.
I'll bring this to the support then. I thought that if it's something common that other people experienced and solved then everybody would benefit from this discussion. Receiving the solution from IDS Scheer support team would be of use only for me.
"-Xmx<size> - set maximum Java heap size" - for JRE Engine.
Increase this value in file 'ArisLauncher.cfg'
\Program Files\ARISX.X\Local Server\Config\ArisLauncher.cfg string <Property name="JVM_Xmx" value="-Xmx128m"/> value 128 change to 512 or 1200 MB (if you have more than 1 GB RAM);
sorry for my english :)
best regards!
I'm trying to solve a problem related to memory limitation from the JRE that executes ABA. Following instructions from the post by Mr. Kirill Kichichidi, I could not find the ArisLauncher.cfg file, which is supposed to be used for increasing the maximum Java heap size...
Current version of my ARIS Business Architect (ABA) product installation is (SR_2011_02), so maybe something might have changed regarding product configuration from the time the post above was published...
Any idea?
Thank you for all your help.
Hi, Julien
First of all, I want to thank you for your help.
I've just taken a look at the dli.cfg file and it seems to be related to Derby's database server configuration... is it my perception wrong?
After publishing my post, a workmate told me about the existence of a file named Launcher.cfg placed at <ARIS installation drive>\ARIS7.2\JavaClient\config with the following content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<jvmParams jvmPath="./jre" jars="./lib" userConfigPath="" jvmOptions="-Xmx512m;-XX:PermSize=64m;-XX:MaxPermSize=160m;-XX:+DisableExplicitGC;-Dsun.java2d.d3d=false" AutomaticMemoryManagement="true" /> </launcherConfig>It looks more likely to be the configuration file (for the ARIS Java client) I was looking for... Do you agree with me? Maybe I'm wrong, so comments about this will be welcomed
Thanks for your help,