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When you want to annotate a BPMN2 element in ARIS, what do you use - one of the object attributes or text annotation? I assume that both have some advantages and disadvantages, the most evident being that keeping them as attributes it's easy to get them in a report but it's difficult to be BPMN2 compliant.

However, that's not the case for connections. No matter if you take annotation from symbol palette or fill-in annotation attributes, it will appear as BPMN2 annotation while being a connection attribute.

So, my questions are:

1. (to the community) When do you use Text annotation object and when attributes for BPMN flow objects?

2. (to ARIS product guys and girls) Do you plan to have the same Text annotation implementation for flow objects as it is now implemented for connections?

Thank you!



by Christian Winheller
Posted on Thu, 07/03/2014 - 14:25

We use annotations if they are supposed to be kept in the model for the business user or further development / evolution of the model into the technical direction.

"Free drawing" is used while the model is discussed. When publishing the model, all questions and notes should have been clarified and worked into the model.


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