
As more systems and architects are adopting robotic process automation, we understand ARIS has Process and Data as one of the pillars of the ARIS house. My recommendation here would be:

a) Each process or relationships gets influenced by the Robotic Process Automation, or advises the business based on the "learnings that has been posted on ARIS" across the world, to advice, on what works best in the scenario.

b) These advices can also be provided by context aware enhancements to the tool. 

c) ARIS can also look for automation advise to systems and technologies

The future is all about being pro active, and not reactive, and based on all the knowledge that ARIS has today and will be collected over the next 10 years, I believe can give a great insight by the use of data sciences on what works best, or "how this would work better"

Over to all. 

Note: Apologies I couldn't invest time to make this visual, however I understand you would take my schedule into consideration. 



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