
Often there is a need to comment (and then discuss in group etc) single object, not the whole model. It is possible in 2 ways:

1. When in Edit mode - after selecting object - ARIS will create automatic tagging with name of object - later it is easy to filter model discussion to the one concerning one object. DISADVANTAGE:

- if object will change name - tagging is not updated (pretty obvious)

- after short period there is a huge number of tagging.

2. It is possible "properly" to comment single object - finding it using "search". Comment is visible in Company feed - it is possible to "like it", tag or follow. Disadvantage:

- the most important - comments are NOT visible from the model view

- there is no link to the "occurrence" of object


Summarizing - something is there - but definitely not working properly. Anyone solved the problem? Maybe it is possible to add additional tab for a model (overview/steps/diagram/documents etc) with "object comments"? Is it possible?


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