Greetings, I only today discovered this forum after hearing the excellent presentation by Joerg Klueckmann in Perth. I think this approach is excellent and a big improvement over the fairly formal style that IDS has used in the past. Well done.
I am a long time user and advocate of ARIS (version 3 I think) but I must confess to using Visio fairly often because the style is easier to sell to Senior Management. Hopefully things will change when they start to buy into the value of more rigorous modelling
Talk Soon
PS Where is the speell chek button???
Hi Eddie,
welcome in the community!!! It is always a pleasure to talk with BPM fans. I am sure I will be back to a BPMLink event soon, to connect again and to talk about the future of BPM. Just give ARIS Express a try: I would be suprised if the Senior Management would not like it ;-)
@Sebastian: I would also need the spelling chekc
Re: spellcheck, when using Firefox with dictionary add-on the spell-check is working but you have to switch to "plain text editor". Usually I do it just before posting. I don't know what would be the solution for Safari, Opera and Chrome. (for IE I don't care)