Good morning,
I am trying to create client UMG_EN but i always get the same error as shown in log file:
I: 04/19/16 10:06:05 [SRV] The PPM server of the client "umg_en" is not registered at the registry.
I: 04/19/16 10:06:05 [STD] Initializing ARIS PPM database...
I: 04/19/16 10:06:05 [STD] Initializing: com.idsscheer.ppm.server.common.impl.ZInitDbBase
E: 04/19/16 10:06:05 [STD] Error initializing database
General PPM-Exception
Create Table: AS_TA_ID_TBL (3000) [2714/S0001]
There is already an object named 'AS_TA_ID_TBL' in the database. []
S: 04/19/16 10:06:05 [STD] Messages of component "STD":
S: 04/19/16 10:06:05 [STD] 1 error(s)
I can connect to database (MSSQL Server 2014) and in fact the database tables are created but all of them are empty. Anyone has any ideia?
I am using PPM Customizing Toolkit 9.8
Thank you very much.
Jorge Blanco