Hi I have this problem with the installation:
Error during installation. Unable to perform a correct installation. For further information please refer to the file '%temp%/ARIS_Install.log
Hi I have this problem with the installation:
Error during installation. Unable to perform a correct installation. For further information please refer to the file '%temp%/ARIS_Install.log
Dear Juan Erique,
did you make sure that the recommended hardware requirements are met?
Kind regards,
Hi Community,
I have some problem when I importing filter/template to ARIS . When I try to import filter ARIS showed me massage "To import the file you must have the "ARIS Access" license privilege" and when I trying to import template "Unable to import template. For further information, please refer to the log file in the installation directory"
Before that I used ARIS with same license key and I had no problem with importing filters or templates
It would be great if someone could help me with this question.
Best regards,
Dear Javier,
thank you for your message. Could you please tell us where do you have the filter/template from?
Kind regards,