Hello all,


I´m try to find the real advantage of Aris Risk and Compliance, because I have in my company and we cannot explore it as well, and I know that the experts certainly will help me.


Best regards.



Bom dia a todos, tenho na minha compania o modulo de Risk and Compliance do Aris, entretanto nao conseguimos ver as reais vantagen destes modulos pelo que preciso do opoio dos expertes aqui do Forum .   


Melhores cumprimentos.


by Elke Bastian
Posted on Tue, 11/06/2018 - 00:04

Hi José,

I recommend having a look here: https://www.softwareag.com/corporate/products/aris_alfabet/grc/default.html

You find there all relevant information related to ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager with links to further material like videos, webinars and customer stories. I hope that you will find some helpful information there.

Please contact me if you have questions.


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