Profile picture for user JESSIAC

Hello Community,


I'm a new user of Aris and I need to import a XML file, but I havent the option "IMPORT XML" in my program.

Anybody can help me?




by Runé Becker
Badge for 'Mastermind' achievement
Posted on Fri, 01/18/2013 - 12:40

Oi Jessica,

You can import an XML file into ARIS via module Explorer or via module Designer in the Explorer tree.

Right click on Main group (or any other group) of an ARIS database. The context menu item Import... displays among other options also XML files...

Please note that XML files have to meet the XML format specification of ARIS. Of course, if your XML file is an exported ARIS database, the format is compatible.




Posted on Fri, 01/18/2013 - 13:52

Oi Mr. Rune,

Agradeço novamente a ajuda, realmente estou iniciando o contato com o Aris a pouco tempo e embora tenha gostado muito do programa ainda tenho algumas dúvidas. Coloquei acima a imagem que aparece quando acesso o Main Group. Não visualizo a opção Import XML

O arquivo já foi exportado diretamente do Aris de um colega de equipe, ou seja, o formato deve ser compatível.

Como o sr. mesmo já me informou a versão do Aris 6.2 é um pouco ultrapassada, sendo assim, pode ser que isso esteja me impossibilitando de importar o arquivo.

Sinceros agradecimentos.


Jéssica Gomes

Posted on Fri, 01/18/2013 - 13:55

A imagem do meu Main Group

Segue a imagem que aparece no meu Main Group.

by Runé Becker
Badge for 'Mastermind' achievement
Posted on Fri, 01/18/2013 - 17:31

Posso escrever em Inglês?

My explanation was for the most recent ARIS version 7.2. But you have a rather old version 6.2, under desupport since years.

I can't tell you at the spot where to import the XML file in ARIS 6.2. Need to investigate a little bit.

But could you ask the owner of the original database to provide you with that database in order to restore it on your ARIS version?

Of course, it has to be the same ARIS version. Is that the case?

If not, it's also impossible to import the XML file exported from that database.

Você pode querer usar o Google para traduzir este texto:



by Runé Becker
Badge for 'Mastermind' achievement
Posted on Fri, 01/18/2013 - 17:43

Please check if you see Import/Export... on the context menu of your database.

And please create first a new database (via context menu on server LOCAL) to avoid mixing your imported content with the demo database.

Posted on Fri, 01/18/2013 - 22:55


Hello Mr. Rune,   Thanks again!  I go to try see about the version cause I think that the owner have the 7.2 version of Aris, and this impossibilite the import...Probably that is the problem... So, I need have a new version of Aris and create a new database...    TKS   Jéssica
by Runé Becker
Badge for 'Mastermind' achievement
Posted on Sat, 01/19/2013 - 00:56

Yes, ARIS doesn't support a compatibility from newer to older versions, only vice versa.

In case you are a student at univerisity you may want to download a free version of ARIS 7.2:




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