
I have a dashboard where I choose a filter on the first tab, which I would then also like to be applied to the second tab. How do I do that?

Best regards,


#dashboard #aware

by Eva Klein
Badge for 'Community Team' achievement
Posted on Fri, 09/09/2022 - 13:29

Hi Jessica,

a way to apply a filter from Tab 1 to Tab 2 is to add a input field to the Tab 2. After this go back to Tab 1 and add an action to the widget that should set the filter value. 

You can do it the following way:

  1. Select widget
  2. Select entry Actions from the dropdown
  3. Enable Set Section
  4. Pick the value you want to use as selection
  5. Apply it to the input field you placed on Tab 2

After this please switch to Tab 2 and create a filter relation between the input field and whatever you want to filter.

I hope that solve your issue :)



by Jessica Lind Author
Posted on Wed, 09/14/2022 - 09:42

In reply to by Eva Klein


Yes this works -thanks! Hwoever, feels a bit complex, would be great to just be able to choose whether filters should apply to all tabs or not.




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