Problems importing from ARIS EXPRESS (.adf) to Architect


I have a lot of problems with ARIS EXPRESS, nonetheless I like it, I think is a great tool but after a while it crashes really bad, I can´t install or reinstall it,  I can´t open it, it doesn’t let me open the .adf file, or through the Java console or directly the . Jnlp, so I try to import the files into the Architect 7,2. Most of it was ok, but didn’t recognize a couple of files.

Could anyone tell me what should I do to reinstall Aris Express? (Because I cannot see it on the add/remove programs console) or how to import successfully the file?

Also one of my coworkers had the same problem, but worse, when she imported the .adf it didn’t recognize the activity,  so it was a graphic with events, and single lines, could I change the import profile? Where can I do that? The first time I imported files it asked me if I wanted to import the filters, but now it doesn´t.


Juan Manuel Flórez

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