
I have a friend attempting to create an account and no email is being received with a password. In turn, they are unable to install ARIS Express or log into the forum to ask for help.

I have then tried with another email address of my own and it does the same.

Is this process (ironically) broken currently?

Thanks for any help in advance!


by Miro Goepel
Posted on Tue, 10/13/2020 - 16:24

Dear Jamie,

I've just tested the entire account creation process on my own and it worked perfectly fine. I was even a little surprised how fast I received the confirmation email - two seconds after I clicked the submit button. I clicked on the activation link in the email, was forwarded to the ARIS Community where I had to set a password and just like that the account was created and ready to use.

Two things come to mind that may be the reason for the issue that you and your friend are experiencing:

1) The good old spam folder. Please keep in mind that some organisations and companies filter emails on a level above the user level. That means it may be that emails are filtered by your email provider with you being noticed that they haven't even been forwarded to your inbox. In that case, please get in contact with your email provider to check if this is the case (but please don't forget to check the spam folder before that).

2) Some email domains are blocked. That is if someone tries to register an ARIS Community account with an email address of such a domain, no email will be sent. In that case an error message should be displayed during the account creation process, but things may get wonky while handling the email delivery process in the backend so that seemingly all went fine but no email is sent in fact.

I'd suggest to contact the ARIS Community team via email about this issue and provide the email or complete email addresses that were used during the account creation processes.


Best regards,



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