I changed the data feed. I remember that I used this feed in 2 MashApps.

How can I find the referenced MashApp to a DataFeed?

I couldn't find references.

Another question. Is there a possibility to sort DataFeed to modification date. The creation date is not always helpful for me.


by Stephan Freudl
Posted on Thu, 11/05/2009 - 08:21

There is no way to list MashApps that use a given feed. One way is to manually inspect the data assignment dialog for each chart in your MashApp.

Alternatively you may export the MashApp in question and import it into a separate installation of MashZone. Since the export file contains every feed the MashApp depends on it will reveal the feeds.

I must admit, sort by modification date was helpful. The modification date is listed in the Data Feed/MashApp details.


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