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Hi all,


So I downloaded the application and it's nowhere to be found after it says that it has finished the installation process. I checked my desktop, searched programs, looked on my c: drive, and I've had absolutely no luck locating the application. It seems to disappear after installation. Any idea why this may be?


Thank you,



by Frank Weyand
Posted on Thu, 06/16/2011 - 09:09

Hi John.

If Express is installed, one is getting asked whether he wants to "integrate the application into the desktop". That does not mean anything else than creating menu entry and shortcut. You probably did not confirm that question.

You can do this manually: please open the system panel, there you can find "Java". Open the Java panel. On the first page, there is a section "temporary internet files". Click onto "show".

In the upcoming dialog, ARIS Express should be shown. Right-click onto Express, there should be an entry "create shortcut". Could you try this?




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