I have a problem: I have to be able to include three different variations (ie Types) of an Object definition. I need to include the Object (Event) / Object (Application System) / Object (Lane) : each creating its own column. Is this something that needs merging in order to complete. The only way I can get this info currently on one sheet is 'stacked' using different queries on top of each other within the scripts element. I need to be able to read from one column "horizontally" and not vertically................ please if anyone can advise it would be most appreciated!
11 Replies
Hi John,
Can you be more specific. I really dont have a clue what your problem is. Are you referencing the matrix model, excel output/input? Please explain what you need to achieve, and add some distinct examples (screen prints help a lot) to clarify it.
Best regards,
I am working on a report to Create Job Roles using WYSIWYG Report Editor. I select a Position as an Input and then run queries and data fields to generate the report. So far I have been able to generate a report that provides an output in the following format:
Position: Prints Selected Position Here
1. Job Roles (Person Type attached to this Position)
Occurrence in: Process Models (Names of Process Models)
2. Job Roles (Another Person Type attached to this Position)
and so on .....
However, I need to reformat the report and provide the output in a tabular format. The output should look something like this:
Position: Print Selected Position Here---------------------------------------------------------------
| Person Type | Occurence In Process Models |
I mean Person Type in One Column and its respective occurrences in another column and so and so far.
Kindly provide some guidance in generating the desired output.Thanks and Regards,
Anosh Mehdi -
Hi Anosh,
If I understand you correctly you use the following query structure:
Position --> Person type (Role) --> ProcessModel
If you are at the level of the occurrence in a processmodel create a table there.
Insert a datafield in column 1 and select Data Superior to jobrole (=Selected Person type)
- Select the name of the person typeIn column 2 insert the datafield based upon the current selection (Items of: ProcessModel)
- Select the name of the modelThis structure will repeat the role for each model where it is used
Of course you can also go up another level and:
Column 1: Data superior to Position - Name of the position
Column 2: Data superior to Person type - Name of the role
Column 3: Items of: Name of the modelIf you have played around with this structure it should be fairly easy to adjust and add columns at will. Note however that it is not possible to answer the not question like "give me all processstep without a role assigned.
Good luck,
Hey Edwin,
You have clearly understood and defined my query structure. I am using a Position to extract Person Types, Process Model and activities performed within these Process Models.
Instead of executing the Query on the 'Selected Model', I am executing a Query on the 'Selected Object Definitions'. Here is a screen shot of my report:
Here is a sample Output of the report:
I am finding it hard to show the actions in front of respective models. Any suggestions on how to showcase the actions (Performs column) in front of respective model (occurs in column)?
Thanks and Regards,
Anosh Mehdi
Hi Anosh,
To start i would make some recommendations to your report.
- You placed the job title in the static area of the "Selected object definitions" section. If you select multiple positions for this report, you will get a list of all the positions you selected at the start of your report. I suggest you move this inside the repetition area, so at change of the position you will start with a new job title line.
- You do not use the alias field when creating your report. This makes the report hard to read. If you change the alias it will use the alias in your report rather than Selected object definitions. (for example if you change the alias on the section where you use the positions to Position, the Job title would be {Position.Name} instead of {Selected object definitions.Name})
Now to get back to your problem. With the above stated, it's very hard for me to understand all the elements you selected in the report. If you export the report and send it to me, i can see if i can help you further.
Best regards,
Dear Edwin,
Thank you for your suggestions. I would start working on your recommendations right away.
Kindly share me your email address so that I can send you the report for review.
Thanks and Regards,
Anosh Mehdi
Hey Edwin,
I could not find your email address so I have uploaded the script here. I hope you would be able to download the report named 'Job Role Analysis 02'.
Hey Edwin,
I believe there is a problem with the file URL. However, this is an alternative way to retrieve the file. Kindly follow these steps:
- Click on the 'Link' Button in this dialog box
- Choose 'Browse Server' option
- You will find Job_Role_Analysis_02.zip/Job_Role_Analysis_02(1).zip/Job_Role_Analysis_02(2).zip which are in fact the same files.
I am sorry for causing such a trouble but I am unable to retrieve the direct link to the uploaded file.
I appreciate your help very much.
Hi Anosh,
Please accept my invite as contactperson. Then we can take this offline.
Go to manage my contacts, and accept my invitation.
We can then mail via the community.