I´m new in Aris and I´m having a problem with Aris Script. When the report is generated, there is an array that collect all FAD and next, another collect gets the existing clusters. The problem is: the collect is not separating which cluster refers to the current scenario. Does anyone have any suggestions? How I pick up the current scenario?
dtable1(p_output, collect9(collect8(collect7(p_aModel[i].ObjOccListBySymbol(new Array(Constants.ST_SOLAR_VAC_SHORTCUT,Constants.ST_SOLAR_SL_VAC_OCC,Constants.ST_SOLAR_VAC))))))
function collect8(p_array){
var result = new Array();
for(var i=0; i<p_array.length; i++){
result = result.concat(p_array[i].AssignedModels([Constants.MT_FUNC_ALLOC_DGM]))
return ArisData.Unique(result)
function collect9(p_array){
var result = new Array();
for(var i=0; i<p_array.length; i++){
p_array[i].SymbolNum() == Constants.ST_SOLAR_VAC)
result = result.concat(p_array[i].ObjOccListBySymbol([Constants.ST_CLST]))
return ArisData.Unique(result)
function collect7(p_array){
var result = new Array();
for(var i=0; i<p_array.length; i++){
return ArisData.Unique(result)