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Hi everyone.

I'm writing a report and I need to launch the report from a Group.

From this group I need to get all the subgroups and eventually get all the EPC's and FAD's, so I'm trying to think about a solution (a recursive one might be the best option) but I'm not sure how it should be done.

Beside that, I'm using the "Childs()" methods, but I only get the subgroups and not the actual EPC or FAD I need.

Here is an example of the problem : 

(0)Group :

                 (1)sub group :

                                     (2)sub sub group:

                                                               (3)sub sub sub group 1 :

                                                                                               (4) Sub sub sub sub group 1

                                                                                                (4)Sub sub sub sub group 2:



                                                              (3)sub sub sub group 2:



 If I launch the report from Group , I can get all the subgroups , but I can't reach the EPC and the FAD stored in the sub sub sub sub group 2

If someone has a solution for the problem, I would really appreciate !

Thank you.

by Kay Fischbach
Posted on Mon, 07/05/2021 - 10:30
var allEPC = theStartGroup.ModelList(true, [Constants.MT_EEPC]);
var allFAD = theStartGroup.ModelList(true, [Constants.MT_FUNC_ALLOC_DGM]);
var allEPCAndFAD = theStartGroup.ModelList(true, [Constants.MT_EEPC, Constants.MT_FUNC_ALLOC_DGM]);

The first parameter of the ModelList method tells the ARIS system whether or not you want to search recursively, and the second parameter has to be an array of model type numbers of models to look for.


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