I need to write a report where I get informations about the Users.
The problem is that I don't know how to get them.
I tried to use the built-in function "getAllUsers" as follows :
var usrList = getAllUsers();
which is meant to return a list of all the Users, but I got the following error : "ReferenceError: "getAllUsers" is not defined."
Does someone knows how to get all the Users ?
Thank you
There is a standard report under Administration called "Output Group Information" that has a Description of "Outputs selected groups with the following optional information: Subgroups Included, Description/Definition, Group Path, User Groups, Users and Access Privileges" The data is output to a table in many different formats.
Try this out. I think it should give you the information that you are looking for. If not you could probably use it as the base code and then modify it to meet your own specific requirements.
getAllUsers() isn't defined for the global namespace.
It's a method of the UMC component, which can be loaded as described at the top of http://myaris10now.softwareag.com/abs/help/en/script/ba/index.htm#report_OBJECTS_UMC.htm
var component = Context.getComponent("UMC")
You can then do
var allUsers = component.getAllUsers();
without getting the ReferenceError.
Hi , thank you for your answer.
I wanted to ask if you know how to get the Users info from Aris Connect with a link to the server ?
I think that the code your provided is a good beginning but is there a function in aris script that gets a link to aris connect and once I opened a connexion with Aris connect I can get the users info ?